Planet X (Archiv_sonstige Themen)
Hallo Johannes,
ordnungshalber, nur zu deiner Information ein Update zum Planet X:
Ein Herr G.J.Gianninoto (Anwalt in USA) behauptet im Kontakt mit den Zetas zu stehen, und bestätigt dass der Planet X doch irgendwann kommt, und dass sein Vorbeiflug eine geografische Polverschiebung verursachen wird etc.
Wie ich mich noch erinnern kann, gab es in dem alten Prophezeiungsforum von Parsimony einen Poster "JoergH" o.ä. (aus Hunsrück ?) der auch eine Vision von einem riesigen dunklen Objekt am Himmel hatte, was die Leute mit staunen beobachteten. Er hatte übrigens damals (ende der '90-er) auch eine Kolonne fremder Menschen die nach Deutschland marschierten, "gesehen".
Hier die Zusammenfassung (nicht von mir) eines Teils einer amerikanischen Radio-Sendung vom 15.5.2017:
"In the latter half, attorney, contractor and ET contactee Gordon James Gianninoto offered updates on Planet X, the Zeta aliens, and a coming cataclysmic pole shift. Like his friend and colleague, Nancy Lieder, he says he's in telepathic contact with the Zetas (said to originate in the Zeta-Reticuli star system), who communicate with him in a pictorial format rather than using words. According to Gianninoto, Planet X has a diameter of 29,000 miles, and was first photographed approaching our solar system in 1983 by an infrared astronomical satellite. The Zetas have warned that as the rogue planet draws closer to Earth, it will catch fire, and act like a defacto flame thrower. "People are going to be drenched in burning oil," he warned.
The passage of Planet X will induce a geographic pole shift, pulling the Atlantic Ocean up over the current North Pole, and leaving the eastern tip of Brazil as the new North Pole, he cited. Before this, we can expect to encounter very mixed up weather patterns, with snow in summer, and balmy days in the winter, he continued. He also talked about how the Zetas bio-designed themselves as space-faring beings, using a different digestive system in which nutrients are painted on their skin rather than consumed. They also reproduce via cloning rather than sex, and have bred emotions out of their systems, he added."
Gordon James Gianninoto Biography:
Attorney, contractor and ET contactee, Gordon James Gianninoto had many childhood UFO and ET encounters. He saw his first UFO in 1964, a one mile diameter mothership launching 3 saucers over San Juan PR harbor. He had his first vision of pole shift 1973 in a long and detailed dream and had a waking vision of same thing 1988. He realized a pole shift would bring open contact with Ets.
gesamter Thread:
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