Prophezeiungsforum (aktuelles Weltgeschehen im Licht der Bibel) - Zur Auffrischung Thomas S Gibson über die Jahre 2005 bis 2010

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Zur Auffrischung Thomas S Gibson über die Jahre 2005 bis 2010 (sonstige Prophezeiungen)

verfasst von Georg(R), 02.12.2007, 22:33

Geschrieben von Zitrone am 29. April 2005 19:57:40:

War Prophesied Between 2005 and 2010
Thomas Gibson

You (America) will be impaled on the brink of war. It will come with very little warning. I shall bring this war down upon you who think you can serve the world, and claim to serve Me! In the year of 2005 you will have yet to see this war. (Stephen Hanson says this year, 2005) It is coming, and no one can say, "I will hold it back, I will put a stop to it." I, the Lord, have made a decision to judge the evil hearts of the people, and I will do it! So it will be, that by the year 2010 it will have come upon you! I will bring it down upon you in the following way. I will never leave My people unguarded concerning the horrors of the war, but they will come into a knowledge and into a peace about serving Me. I will protect them with a supernatural protection from the throne of God. As the war progresses, and Russia takes heart to overthrow the entire world, I will put an end to it. I will see that the time will come that they, Russia, will loose this war, and be changed in their political agenda forever. Russia will become a major world wide country to bring My salvation to all of the earth! That by a new invention, that I will see comes to the USA, they will win this war. But this will NOT occur until they have repented for their sins! They must repent before I will turn the tide of the war to them. I will bring them to the brink of disaster, to the brink of destruction, to the brink of all out loss, before they will turn with their whole heart to Me, says the Lord. END Gibson. ZC note - Russia has a new weapon invention now, 2005.

I was sent a pdf file of 10 pages. The print is too small and it wont allow me to copy and paste, so I looked some names and key words up in a search engine. You can read them if you wish. If you look in your link after reading, and cut off the letters after .com you can find more reading. There is no way I can publish them, they are too long. I did take a few thoughts. I read these things in so many places and weep. I have put some on my own doman, these links are there too

Geschrieben von MacBeth am 05. September 2002 16:09:47:

Thomas S. Gibson Webseite enthaelt alle seine Prophezeiungen und wird monatlich auf den letzten Stand gebracht. Hauptsaechlich geht es um die kuenftige Bestrafung der Vereinigten Staaten und Kanadas durch Naturkatastrophen, den finanziellen Kollaps und schliesslich durch den Krieg mit Russland. In seinen Prophezeiungen wird am Rande der erste Ort der kriegerischen Begegnung zwischen den Vereinigten Statten und Russland angegeben. Es gibt einen Zeitrahmen fuer den Krieg, welcher auf nach 2005 aber vor 2010 lautet. Im letzten Monat sind die Prophezeiungen wesentlich praeziser geworden. Leider ist die Seite komplett in Englisch und ich habe keine Zeit fuer eine Uebersetzung. Die beiden folgenden Prophezeiungen habe ich jedoch als "Angelhaken" fuer das Forum uebersetzt:

1. Prophezeiung 2002 08 31.2
Der Herr sagt: George Bush soll sein Amt nicht vor Ende seiner zweiten Amtszeit verlassen, aber eher noch soll er vor dieser Zeit getoeten werden.

2002 08 31.2
The Lord says: George Bush shall not leave his office before the end
of his second term, but rather shall be killed before that time.

2. Prophezeiung 2002 08 25.1
So spricht der Herr. Ich werde einen weiteren terroristischen Anschlag auf New York zulassen. Dieser Anschlag wird in der ganzen Stadt Furcht hervorrufen.

2002 08 25.1
Thus says the Lord. I will allow another terrorist attack on New
York. This attack will create fear throughout the city.

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mfG Georg

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