Prophezeiungsforum (aktuelles Weltgeschehen im Licht der Bibel) - Sky-Quakes

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Sky-Quakes (Archiv_sonstige Themen)

verfasst von Hidden-21(R), 24.01.2012, 19:59

» Was könnte das sein?

Bei Schnittpunkt2012 (empfehlenswerter Blog) wird eine Antwortmöglichkeit über den Link bei Pakalert Press geboten: Skyquakes: Warnings From Earth’s Destabilizing Core


"By Terrence Aym

Ominous booms thunder across the sky. These ‘skyquakes’ are abruptly erupting all over the world. Hundreds of thousands wonder in fear about the bizarre hums, explosive booms, and howling moans. From Russia, to Australia, from Chile to the Eastern Coast of the U.S., the sky is exploding. As the frequency and intensity increase people are asking: ‘Is Doomsday approaching?’ Some researchers fear that may be exactly what’s coming…

The skyquakes are caused by harmonics deep inside the Earth traveling from a mutating core through the layers of the planet to the surface. The sky acts as a sounding board capturing and magnifying the sonic and electrical frequencies shot from the center of the world



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