Prophezeiungsforum (aktuelles Weltgeschehen im Licht der Bibel) - Asien-Experte warnt vor Atomkrieg zwischen USA, Russland und China

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Asien-Experte warnt vor Atomkrieg zwischen USA, Russland und China (Archiv_sonstige Themen)

verfasst von Leo DeGard(R), 12.01.2018, 12:45

» Asien-Experte warnt vor Atomkrieg zwischen USA, Russland und China
» Einen solchen Krieg sehe ich aus biblisch - proph. Sicht auch so kommen,
» da er die nächste Phase für die NWO einleiten wird...wie jeder
» Weltkrieg: Vom Völkerbund bis Uno...
» Weltordnungsplan : [Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script" , p. 223]
» "A hair-raising confrontation in Korea may, towards the end of the period,
» threaten man's very survival."
» [Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script", p. 223]
» Now, let us return to our subject of North and South Korea. On page 222-3,
» of his book, Lemesurier makes a very cryptic statement about Korea. "But
» then war will seldom be absent from the world-scene during the last twenty
» years of the century. There will be numerous local conflicts in the Far
» East, the Middle East, and Africa. A hair-raising nuclear confrontation in
» Korea may, towards the end of the period, threaten man's very survival."
» In other words, the New World Order Plan envisions a staged nuclear
» confrontation in Korea. This statement places at least the North Korean
» Government inside the New World Order Plan, and probably South Korea, as
» well. During the first two years of the Clinton Administration, we were
» all told repeatedly that Korea was "suspected" of having nuclear weapons.
» President Clinton and former President Carter brokered a deal, whereby
» North Korea "promised" to eliminate their nuclear weapons and the
» potential to make them, some time after the year 2000 A.D. This "deal"
» was, of course, no deal, as it left North Korea in solid control of these
» weapons during this time period.

Als Ergänzung dazu nochmal ein älterer Beitrag:
Die Korea-Krise als Teil der sowjetischen Langzeitstrategie

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