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Korea (sonstige Prophezeiungen)

verfasst von Zitrone(R) E-Mail, 15.03.2017, 17:06

» Nordkorea in Alarmbereitschaft


ich hatte schon einmal darauf verwiesen, dass Nordkorea noch eine entscheidende Rolle im Endspiel hat....

...warum auch sonst, hat man zugelassen, dass sie sich atomar mit entsprechenden Trägersystemen bewaffnen konnten...

Weltordnungsplan : [Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script" , p. 223]


"A hair-raising confrontation in Korea may, towards the end of the period, threaten man's very survival."

[Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script", p. 223]

Now, let us return to our subject of North and South Korea. On page 222-3, of his book, Lemesurier makes a very cryptic statement about Korea. "But then war will seldom be absent from the world-scene during the last twenty years of the century. There will be numerous local conflicts in the Far East, the Middle East, and Africa. A hair-raising nuclear confrontation in Korea may, towards the end of the period, threaten man's very survival."

In other words, the New World Order Plan envisions a staged nuclear confrontation in Korea. This statement places at least the North Korean Government inside the New World Order Plan, and probably South Korea, as well.

During the first two years of the Clinton Administration, we were all told repeatedly that Korea was "suspected" of having nuclear weapons. President Clinton and former President Carter brokered a deal, whereby North Korea "promised" to eliminate their nuclear weapons and the potential to make them, some time after the year 2000 A.D. This "deal" was, of course, no deal, as it left North Korea in solid control of these weapons during this time period.

Thus, the outlines of this scenario are all to plain to see:

1) North and South Korea and the United States, begin a short period of a 'war of words'. War rhetoric will suddenly ratchet up, planting the idea firmly in people's minds that North Korea really can present a mortal threat to the U.S.

2) Both sides begin to move massive numbers of men and material up to the front

3) Led by the U.S. President, the Western world swings in solidly behind South Korea, and the U.S. begins to move additional military units to South Korea.

4) After proper posturing, North Korea attacks. After penetrating some short distance, and causing massive damage and casualties, North Korean troops begin to be destroyed as American troops, equipped with the same lopsided margin of capability as we had against Saddam Hussein, rapidly kill North Koreans by the tens of thousands. [NOTE: North Korea possibly may open up with Weapons of Mass Destruction; the script is not clear on this point]

5) In desperation, North Korea then launches a limited number of nuclear weapons or threatens to do so. At this point, North Korea might just attack one or more Japanese cities with nuclear weapons.

6) America rapidly comes to the aid of South Korea, rushing in nuclear capability

7) China, likewise, backs North Korea

8) Now, the confrontation is between China and America, both threatening each other with nuclear annihilation. The world panics


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