Prophezeiungsforum (aktuelles Weltgeschehen im Licht der Bibel) - Angriff auf den Iran April 2007?

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Angriff auf den Iran April 2007? (Israel / Naher Osten)

verfasst von Rubenstein(R), 31.01.2007, 19:42

... und da gibt es noch jemanden, der auf den Monat März 2007 tippt:

DEBKAfile: An Iranian official postulates first US military action against Iran in two months

January 31, 2007, 11:59 AM (GMT+02:00)

The first commander of the Revolutionary Guards, Mohsein Rezai, estimated in recent conversations with Western sources that the US would not start out with a large-scale attack but only pinpointed military raids against RG bases in Iran. The opposition Mujaheddin al Khalq are reportedly being trained to take part in these operations, which would probably escalate as Iran began retaliating to the American strikes.

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