Prophezeiungsforum (aktuelles Weltgeschehen im Licht der Bibel) - "Die Warnung" - kommen jetzt Seelenschau und die 3 Morde?

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25.03.2011, 08:53

"Die Warnung" - kommen jetzt Seelenschau und die 3 Morde? (sonstige Prophezeiungen)

Eine uns unbekannte Seherin aus Europa empfängt seit dem 9. November 2010 - just nach dem G-20-Treffen in Asien - Schauungen, die wir alle kennen. Das besondere ist, daß sie bereits 52 solche inneren Botschaften empfangen hat und sich die Dichte der Ereignisse so ankündigen, daß diese in diesem Jahr statt finden könnten (meine Interpretation).

Aber lest selbst: The Warning comes!

Auszug (alles in Englisch):
"Global Events related to Biblical Prophecies claims private visionary

Prophecies relating to a forthcoming global incident known as The Warning and other events have been received by a private visionary living in Europe who claims that she has received over 52 messages in a series of Divine Relations since the 9th November 2010. Global events including climate change, political upheaval, a new world bank and the rise of the Anti-Christ are just some of the subject matter contained in these messages.

Given to her in the form of inner locutions the most urgent message, she says, relates to a Mystical Event which will take place in the world shortly. The event described by Jesus Christ as The Warning and the ‘illumination of conscience’ is being given to the world as an act of Mercy. Not to be confused with the Second Coming, this event will be experienced by every single person in the world over the age of 7 years where people. It will be a very powerful event and one that no one will be able to ignore. Everyone will become instantly aware that God exists and each will be shown their sins as they appear in the eyes of God. Only then will people, including Atheists finally accept that God exists. This gift will encourage people to re-evaluate their lives and ask God for forgiveness. It will also convert many in advance of the turbulent years ahead and prior to the time when Jesus Christ comes back to Judge."

Die Seite bietet interessanten Stoff!



25.03.2011, 10:44

@ Hidden-21

Ãœberzeugende Passage

"Plan to orchestrate a war

There is a vicious plan underway by world powers to orchestrate a war – the intention being to reduce the world’s population. Pray, pray now to help deflect the level of damage these evil people want to cause on Earth. Their stupid allegiance to The Deceiver means that, through the Satanic powers they receive under his influence, they are determined to carry out this task at all costs.

Plans to overthrow Pope Benedict

Plans are also underway to take over churches and various faiths including the Vatican. My Pope, my beloved Benedict, is surrounded by those plotting his downfall. Other world leaders, unaware of the underlying powers hidden within their own ranks, are also going to be targeted with a few to toppling them.

My children wake up and fight. This is a very real war unlike any war witnessed on the earth. It is a war on you, each and every one of My children. You are the target. The problem is that you cannot see the enemy. Cowards at heart they don’t have the courage to reveal themselves.

Secret Meetings

Self-obsessed they meet in secret within your own community and are scattered in every walk of life. You will find them not only in the corridors of your Government but in your justice systems, the police force, business communities, education systems and the military.

Never let these people dictate to you how to pray. Watch how they will try to manage your life and start preparing now for what lies ahead.

Warning on Global Vaccinations

First of all pray in groups. Pray for these people who are ardent supporters of Satan. Prayer will help to avert some of these disasters. Watch out for the atrocities they will try to inflict through vaccination. Trust no sudden global initiative to vaccinate which may seem compassionate in its intention. Be on your guard. Country by country these are colluding to control as many people as possible.

Fear not because I will protect My followers who pray to Me. Pray too for those brave souls among you who have decided to spread the truth. Many of these people are being laughed at but they are speaking for the most part the truth.

Stock Pile food

Do not rely on food suppliers. Prepare now for the future. Start collecting food and planting your own. Stock up as if a war is coming. Those who do will be alright. Prayer and devotion will strengthen your souls and save you from these people’s evil ways. Never let them control your mind or beliefs through their insistence on introducing laws designed to destroy families. They will strive to separate families by encouraging separation including the promotion of divorce, sexual and religious freedom.

Murder of World Leaders

They will promote hatred between nations, murder world leaders through assassination and capture people’s liberty by forcing them to rely on their dictatorship.

The wrath of God will shortly be seen as He will not tolerate their wickedness for much longer unless these people who have chosen to follow their Satanically inspired organisations turn their backs on this evil atrocity. Pray for them.

Be careful what people in your countries you vote for. Watch how they are presented to you by the words they speak. Listen to those who are trying to warn you. I urge you to pray for those who don’t so that they may be converted in order that they, too, can be saved.

These events which I speak of are going to begin to happen shortly. Stick tightly together, keep your own food supplies ready, seek to grow your own vegetables and other survival items. This is a war against you but it won’t seem like it. Just be on your guard."



25.03.2011, 14:25

@ Hidden-21

"Die Warnung" - kommen jetzt Seelenschau und die 3 Morde?

Hallo Hidden21,

vorstellbar ist das schon, auch die Zeitqualität gibt es leider her.
Im Weltenwendeforum wurden die Garabandalinformationen recht gut auseinandergenommen. Ãœbezeugend finde ich das hier:
Da der 12.05.2011 nicht mehr weit weg ist, können wir es in Kürze nachprüfen...

Grüße --Optimist


11.04.2011, 19:30

@ Optimist

Neue Eingaben - Erdbeben und Weltkrieg in Europa

» Da der 12.05.2011 nicht mehr weit weg ist, können wir es in Kürze
» nachprüfen...
Hallo Optimist,

heute erhielt ich über einen anonymisierten Verteiler ( direkt eine Email von den Betreibern der Page "The Warning" - obwohl ich dort nie eine Email-Adresse hinterlassen hatte oder mich registrierte.

Eine Seite mit neuen "Eingaben" vom 18. März 2011 stach ins Auge: Erdbeben, Vulkansuabruch und Beginn des WK III Überraschendes steht dort nicht - eher eine Bestätigung dessen, was uns bekannt sein sollte: Der Beginn des WK III, wenn im Nahen Osten der Krieg ausbricht und Nationen aus Europa da hineingezogen werden. Nun sieht es ja mittlerweile so aus, dass sich die Krise im Nahen Osten (nicht in Libyen oder Nordafrika) zuspitzt. Hier ein Auszug:

"Other events now to be witnessed by mankind include an earthquake in Europe which will shock many. But this purification will help unite people which will be for the good of everyone. Other global events including the volcanic eruption will occur now (*details of location and month with visionary) while war in the middle east will involve other nations. The other nations from the West will provoke a reaction from Russia and China. All will end in a world war."

Aus einer "Eingabe" vom 11. März:
"My beloved daughter the purification which will be suffered by mankind through wars, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, heat waves and mudslides is continuing because of the sins of mankind."

Das wäre die ganze Bandbreite kataklystischer Ereignisse.

Interessant ist die parallele ökonomische und politische Entwicklung: Die USA ist finanazpolitisch mit dem Rücken zur Wand stehend, die EU träumt von neuen Steuern, Erhöhungen der Kraftstoffpreise durch eine europaweite Einheitssteuer und damit die Manifestierung eines Bundesstaates (Nur ein Staat kann Steuern eintreiben, die EU ist aber kein Staat). Widersprochen wird nicht. Nicht mal unsere politische Klasse in Berlin hat sich heute dazu geäußert.

Meine Prognose: Ein oder zwei schwerste kataklystische Ereignisse und die Regierungen dieser Welt werden im Unglück bzw. im Windschatten dieser Ereignisse ihre politischen und ökonomischen Ziele noch weiter vorantreiben - so wie sie es bei den "Terroranschlägen" in NY, London und Madrid taten (Einschränkung der Freiheitsrechte, militärische Aufrüstung (Eurogenderforce), verschärfte Sicherheitsbestimmungen etc.). Wenn es eine Waffe namens HAARP gibt und diese Erdbeben auslösen könnte, dann wäre der Zeitpunkt voraussehbar. Aber auch wenn sich dies nicht durch einen roten Knopf ereignet, die Weltwirtschaft könnte kataklystische Ereignisse in Europa und den USA nicht so einfach wegstecken. Das wäre wie Benzin ins Feuer giessen.


PS: Vor dem 1. Mai (Tag der Seligsprechung von JPII) wird sicherlich nichts passieren. Aber dann käme doch zwangsweise der 12. Mai...


22.04.2011, 10:06

@ Hidden-21

Neue Eingaben - Erdbeben und Weltkrieg in Europa

Nachfolgend ein verschwörungstheoretischer Beitrag auf youtube: Mega-Erdbeben in der Zeit vom 16. - 20. Mai 2011:

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